Our PA General Assembly Candidates
(Click on images for more details)
About Regina
Each of Regina's policy priorities for
Pennsylvania takes into account
the recognition that for real
progress to occur, we need to be
driven by common purpose, not
common politics.
As such, she is especially interested
in local governance structures that
ensure fair representation of all
taxpayers and parents, immigration
policies that don't prioritize illegal
aliens above Americans or legal
immigrants, voting systems that
don't disenfranchise voters,
education paths that are diverse and far-reaching and common ground on issues of life and death.
Both of Regina's sons were born in Russia, she is married to the son of an Italian immigrant, and is the daughter of Cuban immigrants. She was the first in her family to be born in America, was raised in Puerto Rico where half her family still resides, is a cancer survivor and is proficient in multiple languages. She has lived in Chester County for over 20 years.